AfNOG 2013 Workshop on Network Technology

Track NM-E

Network Management

[ Jump within this page: Introduction | Course Documents | Instructors | Participants | Books ]

[ NM-E links: Index | Summary ]


This course on Network Management is part of the AfNOG 2013 Workshop on Network Technology, held in conjunction with the AfNOG meeting in Lusaka, Zambia, in June 2013. It is designed for engineers and system staffs at ISPs and large networks including academic networks who are involved with system management, network monitoring and management and problem response. The course is for those who need to manage diverse Network and NOC operations. Please review the Agenda to see the topics to be covered. Labs constitute about 60% of the course.


Course Web Site:

A complete web site for this course, including an agenda with materials listed by day and linked as well as a list of configuration files and more information is available at the link below:

Course Documents


    Hervey Allen  Chile/USA
    Brian Candler  England
    Kevin Chege  Kenya
    Cleven Mmari  USA/Tanzania
    Seun Ojedeji  Nigeria
    Phil Instrucors  Denmark/France
