AfNOG 2011 Workshop

Track SS-E — Scalable Internet Services

This is part of the AfNOG 2011 Workshop, held in conjunction 
with the AfNOG meeting in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, in May 2011. 

Daily Time Schedule: Morning ------- Session-1 08:45am - 10:45am Tea Break 10:45am - 11:00am Session-2 11:00am - 01:00pm Lunch Break 01:00pm - 02:15pm Afternoon --------- Session-3 02:15pm - 04:15pm Coffee Break 04:15pm - 04:30pm Session-4 04:30pm - 06:30pm Dinner 06:30pm - 08:00pm Evening ------- Session-5 08:00pm - 10:00pm In addition to this detailed timetable you can see a summary timetable as well.
Monday morning 8:45am o Introduction and logistics -- Ayitey Bulley o DNS Session-1 (Fundamentals): -- Michuki Mwangi * DNS Materials. * Goal: to understand overall purpse and structure of DNS + IP addresses vs. names + DNS as a distributed, hierarchical database + Domain names and resource records: - A, PTR, MX, CNAME, TXT, SOA/NS + Domain name lookup responses + Reverse DNS + DNS as client-server model - Resolver - Cache - Authoritative server + Testing DNS (dig) + Understanding output from dig + Practical Exercises: - Configure Unix resolver - Use dig { A, other (e.g. MX), non-existent answer, reverse lookup } - Use tcpdump to show queries being sent to cache Monday morning 11:00am o DNS Session-2 (DNS Caching Operation & DNS Debugging): -- Joe Abley * Goal: to understand operation of a recursive nameserver + Recap of previous session + DNS as a distributed database. + Resource record NS: referral of answer + Caching nameserver and root servers + Caching used to reduce load (esp. top level servers) + Issue of stale data in caches (problems with distributed systems). - TTL records on each record - Negative TTL in SOA + Recursion and caching (dig +norec) + Demo: + Practical Exercise: - Debugging DNS Worksheet (with dig +norec ): . Students work on their own examples + Configuring a caching nameserver - check /var/named/etc/namedb/named.conf - run tcpdump - rndc start - change /etc/resolv.conf to point to your nameserver - querry two times - { Look at 'aa' flag, TTL, query time } - rndc flush - cache is authoritative for Monday afternoon 2:00pm o DNS Session-2 (DNS Caching Operation & DNS Debugging): -- Joe Abley * Goal: to understand operation of a recursive nameserver + What sort of hardware would you choosing when building a DNS cache? + Improving the configuration of a cache NS + Managing a caching nameserver + Practical Exercise: - Building your own cache nameserver - Improving the configuration of the cache NS + Question and Answer session + Summary Monday afternoon 4:15pm o DNS Session-3 (Configuring Authoritative Name Servers): -- Michuki Mwangi * Goal: to properly configure an authoritative nameserver + Recap of caching NS + DNS Replication + Outside world cannot tell the difference between master and slave + When does replication take place? + Two (2) Dangers with serial numbers + Configuration of Master & Slave NS - Format of Resource Records { SOA and NS } + Ten (10) Common DNS Operational and Configuration Errors (RFC1912)
Tuesday morning 8:45am o DNS Session-3 (Continued) Exercises: -- Michuki Mwangi and Joe Abley * Setting up a an authoritative name services for a domain + Master & Slave nameserver exercises Tuesday morning 11:00am o DNS Session-3 (Continued) Exercises: -- Michuki Mwangi and Joe Abley * Setting up a an authoritative name services for a domain + Master & Slave nameserver exercises Tuesday afternoon 2:00pm o Virtualization Overview -- Joel Jaeggli * Virtualization Materials * Presentation: + What is it? + Resource/Service virtualization + Host Virtualization + What problem are we attempting to solve with host virtualization + Examples + Virtualized Servers as a Service (Amazon Web Services) + Provisioning and management + Variation In virtualized environments + Complimentary technologies o Virtualization Exercise * Presentation + Virtualisation Exercise + Installing VirtualBox + Installing FreeBSD in a virtual machine Tuesday afternoon 4:15pm o RADIUS -- Frank Kuse * RADIUS Materials * Presentation: + What is RADIUS? + What does RADIUS do? + Why do we need RADIUS? + Other AAA services + About FreeRADIUS * Exercise: + Build and install freeRADIUS. + Configure and start the RADIUS server. + Test authentication + Convert a service to support Radius.
Wednesday morning 8:45am o Web/SSL -- Ayitey Bulley * Apache Materials + Installing Apache22 from FreeBSD ports + Configure Apache with basic configuration + Start Apache httpsd daemon and connect to local box + Verify local ssl certificate works + Configuring Apache with SSL + Example SSL Apache configuration file + Sample config for Virtual Hosting Wednesday morning 11:00am o Web/SSL -- Ayitey Bulley * Apache Exercises + Enabling IPv6 support in Apache + Installing PHP5 and PHP5-Extensions in Apache + Mysql Server 5.0 with Apache and PHP support + Install and configure Wordpress to use apache and mysql Wednesday afternoon 3:00pm o Monitoring and instrumenting IP Services -- Joel Jaeggli / John Kemp * monitoring materials * Introduction * SNMP * Nagios * Cacti * Smokeping
Thursday morning 8:45am: o Mail/Exim -- Chris Wilson * Exim Materials + Exim Basics - What is Exim - Who uses Exim - Why use Exim - Why not to use Exim - Installing Exim - Replacing Sendmail - Exim Overview - Basic Configuration - Global Settings - Adding local domains - Adding relay hosts Thursday morning 11:00am o Mail/Exim -- Chris Wilson + Exim Routers - Routing Overview - Anatomy of a Router - The Default Routers - The Redirect Driver - Testing System Aliases - Simple Redirecting Router - Adding a Virtual Domain - Debugging Routers - Many Virtual Domains - Manual Routing a Domain - Manual Routing all Domains - Local Part Suffixes
Friday morning 8:45am o POP, IMAP and Webmail servers -- Michuki Mwangi * IMAP4/POP3/WebMail Materials: + Dovecot - Server for POP and IMAP - What is Dovecot? - Installing dovecot from ports - Configuring Dovecot + Mailserver scalability - Linear password files - Linear mbox files - Too many files in one directory - CPU limits - Disk performance - Keep your SMTP (smarthost) and POP3 services separate + SquirrelMail Webmail Interface - Background - Why SquirrelMail? - Requirements for Installing SquirrelMail - Installing SquirrelMail - Configuring SquirrelMail + Notes and Clustering and NFS - Using Network File System (NFS) - Using Proxies - Load balancing - Database backends - FreeBSD NFS Friday morning 11:00am o POP, IMAP and Web email servers -- Michuki Mwangi + Practical Exercise ( continued ): Friday afternoon 2:15pm o Security -- John Kemp, Joe Jaeggli * Introduction to Cryptographic applications and methods (30 Minutes) Joel Jaeggli * Introduction to PGP key-generation/signing (15 minutes) Joel Jaeggli * Tools NMAP/Wireshark/Snort (1 hour 15 minutes) John kemp * Security Materials: Friday afternoon 4:30pm o Security * Security and Availability some thoughts (30 min) Joel Jaeggli * OpenNMS (30 min) Klevin Marmi * PGP Keysigning party (17:30 - 18:15) o Wrap-up
o Other stuff: + FreeBSD Install Configuration (from 2009) + FreeBSD DHCP Server Configuration (from 2009) + System Imaging Guidelines using G4L (online) + Nagios configuration files for monitoring students exercises

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