Install Net-SNMP on your workstation
1. -bash-2.05b$ cd /usr/ports/net-mgmt/net-snmp
2. -bash-2.05b$ sudo bash
3. -bash-2.05b$ make
-bash-2.05b$ snmpget –v 2c –c public System.sysUpTime.0
How long has the router been running?
How long has your own router been running?
Determine what the following OIDs represent, and complete the table.
Object ID |
Description |
Value on bb-rtr |
Value on your
desk Router |
ifNumber.0 |
ifIndex.0 |
ifDescr.0 |
ifIndex.1 |
ifDescr.1 |
ifPhysAddress.0 |
ifPhysAddress.1 |
ipRouteNextHop. |
You can easily view the complete MIB database with:
-bash-2.05b$ snmpwalk –v 2c –c public
-bash-2.05b$ snmpwalk –v 2c –c public | more
Is it revealing? Can you spot the dynamic entries in the dump?