MHonArc configuration checklist:
Key: * = required, - = optional
NOTE: all UNIX commands are case sensative - type them exactly as shown!
Creating your archive directory:
*[ ] login to your shell account
*[ ] check for any existing public_html directory
% ls -al public_html |more
total 118
drwxr-xr-x 21 llynch cc_prod 5632 Jun 11 14:28 ./
drwxr-xr-x 22 llynch cc_prod 4096 Jul 6 11:12 ../
-rwxr--r-- 1 llynch cc_acad 8361 Nov 18 1996 index.html
-[ ] create public_html if needed:
% mkdir public_html
% chmod a+rx public_html
*[ ] create an archive directory under public_html:
(use your majordomo listname as your archive name!)
% cd public_html
% mkdir [archivename_here]
% chmod a+rx [archivename_here]
Installing custom rcfiles and a shell script:
*[ ] make sure you're in your home directory:
% cd ~
*[ ] determine the full path for your home directory:
% pwd
*[ ] copy the stock majordomo startup files:
*[ ] edit and then rename the following files using
your prefered editor (pico, emacs, vi, etc)
-* .mhonarc.listname
search and replace:
/home/ w/ your home directory (i.e. /home10/
hostname w/ your host name
username w/ your username
listname w/ your archive/listname
save this file as:
-* .mhonarc.daterc.listname
search and replace:
hostname w/ your host name
username w/ your username
listname w/ your archive/listname
save this file as:
search and replace:
listname w/ your archive/listname
save this file as:
and make sure it is executable:
% chmod u+x [your_list_name_here].sh
Creating your initial MHonArc files:
- Generic configuration:
*[ ] type the following, replacing 'listname' with your archive directory
% mhonarc -editidx -umask 022 -outdir $HOME/public_html/listname/
- Custom configuration:
*[ ] type the following, replacing 'listname' with your archive/list
% mhonarc -editidx -umask 022 -outdir $HOME/public_html/listname/ -rcfile $HOME/.mhonarc.listname
- Adding messages from an existing mail folder:
-[ ] type the following, replacing 'listname' with your archive/list
% mhonarc -add -umask 022 -outdir $HOME/public_html/listname/ -rcfile $HOME/.mhonarc.listname $HOME/mail/listname
Automating MhonArc
- Using Procmail and a sh script to process in-coming messages
(added as they are received)
*[ ] make sure you're in your home directory:
% cd ~
*[ ] check for exisiting .forward and .procmailrc files:
% ls -al .forward
if found you'll see somthing like this:
-rw-r--r-- 1 llynch cc_acad 62 Jun 11 15:19 .forward
% ls -al .procmailrc
if found you'll see somthing like this:
-rw-r--r-- 1 llynch cc_acad 350 Jul 7 08:52 .procmailrc
*[ ] edit or create a .procmailrc file by typing:
% pico .procmailrc
-* If you own the list you plan to archive include the following
at the top of the file:
* ^Subject: *BOUNCE
* To process a copy of incoming messages from a UO majordomo
list include the following (replace listname as needed):
:0:c # process a copy a mail messages
* ^sender: *owner-listname # coming from this sender
| # using this script
-* If you would rather just process the message and not receive
a copy in your mailbox use the following:
:0 # process a copy a mail messages
* ^sender: *owner-listname # coming from this sender
| # using this script
- If you had an existing .forward file you will need to add the
following (replace username and hostname as needed):
:0 # no flags, no copies, no lock
* # all remaining messages
! username@hostname # sent to this forwarding address
*[ ] save the file as .procmailrc
-[ ] if you had an existing.forward file type:
% mv .forward forward.old
- Piping messages from Pine
(added by owner - one at a time)
*[ ] Configuring Pine to use the pipe command:
From the Main Menu in Pine:
type: s (SETUP - Configure or update Pine)
you'll see a prompt at the bottom of your screen:
Choose a setup task from the menu below :
? Help P [Printer] C Config S Signature
^C Cancel N Newpassword U Update
type: c
using your down arrow, scroll down the list of options until you find:
[ ] enable-unix-pipe-cmd
and put an x between the brackets
[x] enable-unix-pipe-cmd
type: e
you'll see the following prompt:
Commit changes ("Yes" replaces settings, "No" abandons changes)?
? Help Y [Yes]
^C Cancel N No
type: y
*[ ] Piping a single message:
You can now go the your mail folders and highlight the message you
want to include in the archive:
highlight the message and type: |<
you'll see a prompt like this:
Pipe message # to :
^G Help ^W Raw Text ^R With Delimiter
^C Cancel Ret Accept ^Y Free Output
type in the name of your list shell script:
and press return.
Please address comments, suggestions & requests to:
Lucy E. Lynch