Managing Majordomo

The most difficult part of mailing lists is day to day management. If you do not have good documentation, good communication with your owners and list members, and good tools lists can quickly become an enormous time sync. It is very important to hand-off tasks to the lowest link in the mail chain at every opportunity like so:

root --> listmaster
listmaster --> listowner
listowner --> list members

If you're the listmaster, you'll also want a set of tools that allow to deal with routine tasks (list creation/deletion/etc.) and problems with a minimum of effort.

Lets set a few x-windows for a working environment:

xterm -sb -sl 2400 -title Root_Account
xterm -sb -sl 2400 -title Majordom_Account
xterm -sb -sl 2400 -title Majordom_Mail

su down to the majordom account in the two Majordom windows:

su majordom

You can kill any any un-needed windows by holding down the control key and clicking the left mouse button - then scroll down to quit. If you want to save your exiting windows, minimize them to free up screen space.

An introduction to perl based tools and a web interface used at the UO

Copy the md-apps.tar.gz file that we picked up earlier via ftp from /u/work to the /home/majordom directory and unpack the files :

cp md-apps.tar.gz /home/majordom/.
cd /home/majordom
gunzip md-apps.tar.gz
tar -xvf md-apps.tar  
cd applications

This will create a sub-directory called applications which includes a number of perl scripts and some web interface related files (*.html & *.cgi). You will find a short menu of these files in applications/README.MD-APPS. This set of scripts & web files does the following: - Allows users who want to create a new list or digest to request such a list by filing out a web based form. (new-app.html & newapply.cgi)
- Sends the user request to the majordom account for listmaster processing. The list will not be created until the listmaster pipes the request to the mklist script (we'll do this from pine)
- Creates basic list file (listname,, listname.config & listname.passwd) and sends back a mail message containing the entries needed in aliases.majordomo

At this point the listmaster edits the aliases.majordomo file by hand & runs newaliases

- Completes the process of activating the list and enters the list information in a local web page (listlist).

There are additional web resourses and scripts to create a digest for an existing list and to allow an owner to request the deletion of a list as well as a number of small tools that aid in dealing with common problems.

A practical exercise

lucy elizabeth lynch
Last modified: Fri May 5 03:09:05 PDT 2000